User Manual

Integra-TR User Manual Page | 51
Online Diagnostics are accessed from the Utilities pull-down menu. Online Diagnostics are transmitted by each unit in a
network before the user’s data is transmitted. All units must be programmed with the Online Diagnostics parameter found
on the Setup Modem/Radio Parameters screen to receive Diagnostics from a system. The unit that the computer is
interfaced with will output Online Diagnostics as they are received. Using Online Diagnostics does not require suspension of
network operation.
Online Diagnostics are subject to alarm conditions defined in the Diagnostic IDs and Alarms screen (see Figure 34). When
Online Diagnostics are received and a diagnostic field falls outside the alarm limits, a “<“ character will designate a value
less than the low alarm and a “>” character will designate a value greater than the high alarm.
Figure 34 - Online Diagnostics
The following Online Diagnostics are gathered:
Short ID: The Short ID displays the Short ID of the unit transmitting the diagnostics.
Temp: Temp displays the internal case temperature (in Celsius) of the unit transmitting the diagnostics.
Batt: Batt displays the supply voltage (in volts) of the unit transmitting the diagnostics.
Local RSSI: If these are the diagnostics from a Remote Station, Local RSSI indicates the RSSI level of the Local
Station obtained by the Remote Station transmitting these diagnostics. If these are the diagnostics from the Local
Station, Local RSSI indicates the RSSI level of the Local Station from the last transmission of a Remote Station.
FwdP: FwdP displays the forward power (in watts) of the unit transmitting the diagnostics.
RevP: RevP displays the approximate measure of reverse (reflected) power of the unit transmitting the diagnostics.
This is represented as “Good” if the reverse power is within acceptable limits and is represented as “Bad” if the
reverse power is too high. The threshold is set to approximately 1/4 the forward power.
Remote RSSI: If these are the diagnostics from a Remote Station, Remote RSSI indicates the RSSI level of the
Remote Station from the last received transmission. If these are diagnostics from the Local Station, Remote RSSI
indicates the RSSI level of the Remote Station last received at the local Station.
Rx Quality: Rx Quality displays the receive quality (in %) of the remote unit. This is the number of correctly
decoded transmissions received (in the last 15) divided by the number of total transmissions detected.