User Manual

Integra-TR User Manual Page | 63
The ASCII Terminal Screens are accessed from the Utilities pull-down menu and allow the user to select an ASCII,
Hexadecimal TCP Socket or UDP Socket Terminal Screen for the Primary and Secondary COM Ports (configured in the Port
Settings screen - see Section 3.4.10) Data is sent according to the port configuration set up in the Port Settings screen. ASCII TERMINAL
Figure 40 - ASCII Terminal Screen
ASCII Terminal (see Figure 40) configurations include:
The Primary ASCII Terminal screen allows the user to send and receive ASCII data on the Primary COM Port (setup in the
Port Settings screen).
The Secondary ASCII Terminal screen allows the user to send and receive ASCII data on the Secondary COM Port (set up in
the Port Settings screen).
TCP Socket
The TCP Socket Terminal screen allows the user to send and receive ASCII data over a TCP connection.
UDP Socket
The UDP Socket Terminal screen allows the user to send and receive ASCII data over a UDP connection.