User's Manual

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Short ID
Enter a Short ID number that will be used to identify an individual device within the network. Short IDs may range
from 1 to 254 or from 256 to 1023. Short ID 255 is reserved. Note: Firmware versions 2.10 and earlier only allow
short IDs of 1-254.
Serial No.
Displays the serial number for the modem board of the connected device.
Integra-TR Field Programming Software supplies this field for user-convenient description(s): customer name,
location. technical info...). Comments can be text up to 24 characters in length, including spaces.
Select Integra-TR or Integra-T to configure the compatibility mode for use with previous Integra models.
Integra-TR - used for networks made up of Integra-TR wireless modems.
Integra-T/TR - used for “on-air” backward compatibility with the Integra-T for bit rates of 4800 and 9600 b/s
(full channel units only). The Integra-TR is capable of selectable network speeds of 4800 and 9600 b/s for half-
channel units (12.5 kHz) or 4800, 9600, 19200 b/s for full-channel units (25 kHz). Use the Integra-TR mode
whenever feasible.
Sleep Mode
Select Enabled/Disabled. When enabled, the unit is in low power consumption (approximately 15 mA). In Sleep
Mode, the Integra-TR cannot detect the presence of a carrier. Only asserting RTS on the COM or Setup ports will
wake the unit. It is ready to receive and decode data within 45 to 65 mS (dependent on Integra model and
temperature) after wake-up.
Data Delivery
Select All/Selective. This field determines if data should be delivered to the COM port. Designating a unit as
Master or Remote sets a flag in the header identifying the Unit Type of the originating station:
o All - this option causes the unit to accept (on the receive side) all data transmissions.
o Selective - this option causes the unit to accept (on the receive side) data only if it originates from a unit
of the opposite Unit Type (i.e., a Master will only accept data from a Remote and a Remote will only
accept data from a Master).
Network Speed
Select the bit rate of the RF link between units. This can be different from the COM Port baud rate. This setting
must be the same for all units in the network.
o 4800 b/s - selectable for, half- and full-channel models and for full-channel models.
o 9600 b/s - selectable for half- and full-channel models and for full-channel models.
o 19200 b/s - selectable for full-channel models only.
Tx Online Diags
Check box to enable Online Diagnostics; Refer to Section XX for more information on Diagnostics and their effect
on the radio network
Unit Type
Radio button selection for Master or Remote configuration