User's Manual

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DMP Baud Rate
Select 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 115200 to set the communication speed for Primary and
Secondary COM Ports when using the DMP Protocol. DMP is used to talk to the Integra modems through the Setup
SYNC/ESC Framing
A typical SYNC/ESC frame will look like the following character stream.
SYNC ML Data0 ------ DataN Chksum
8 bits 8 bits 8 bits ------ 8 bits 8 bits
And the following definitions are made:
SYNC (8 bits)
Marks the start of a frame when not preceded by and ESC character. When using a Sync/Esc (Framing) Mode, the
software will stuff this character automatically.
ML (8 bits)
The length of frame is given by ML. ML is the number of characters left to be received including the checksum but
excluding any ESC characters added as part of the protocol. When using a SYNC/ESC (Framing) Mode, the software
will stuff this character automatically (based on the number of data characters).
Data 0 - N (8 bits each)
Frame information.
Chksum (8 bits)
This is the 8 bit 2s complement of the sum of the frame less the SYNC character and any additional ESC characters
added (ignoring the carry out of the high order bits. When using a SYNC/ESC (Framing) Mode, the software will
stuff this character automatically.
From the Programmer Window, Select Utilities Swap Com Ports
This allows the user to swap the settings for the primary and secondary COM Ports. Since programming is done through the
Primary port, this is useful when programming multiple units. If a unit is connected to the Primary port, and another unit is
connected to the Secondary port, Swap COM Ports allows the second unit to be programmed without switching
programming cables. Swap COM Ports is also available from the Port Settings Primary and Secondary Port screens.
From the Programmer Window, Select Utilities Port Statistics. This shows the current parameters of the PC’s primary and
secondary COM ports.