User Manual

120 20191-002 Paragon-III Technical Manual
4. Trouble-Shooting and Testing
The checks described below should be done at time of installation, annual intervals, or whenever de-
terioration in performance is noted.
4.1 Equipment Required
In-line watt meter (10 W range)
Radio service monitor (IFR-120B with option 03: 30KHz IF filter or equivalent).
RG-214 or RG-223 cable with N-Type male connector to connect Paragon-III to the service
CDip 1.0 or later
Important note: Before proceeding make sure that the service monitor has been calibrated recently
and has warmed up for at least the time specified by its manufacturer.
Some reported frequency and deviation problems have actually been erroneous indications from ser-
vice monitors that have not adequately warmed up. This is particularly likely when field service is
done during winter months
4.2 Recommended Checks
A) After an installation
1. LED Indications
2. Using CDip, Save “unit config” to a file
3. Transmitter Output Power
4. Transmitter Reflected Power
5. RF Link test between Paragon-III and mobile unit(s)
B) For annual maintenance & trouble-shooting
Same checks as A) plus:
6. Carrier Frequency Error
7. TX Deviation
8. Low Frequency Balance
9. 12 dB SINAD
10. Receiver distortion
11. RSSI check
12. Verify power supply connections & terminals torque settings (see paragraph
1 To learn how to launch the Windows-based software alignment and system-testing tool CDip, please refer to
the readme.txt file on the application’s installation diskette.
For functional details of the numerous buttons and menu-selectable items available, please refer to the program’s
context sensitive help. It is also possible to access the help information via the F1 key.