User Manual

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120 20191-100a Paragon-III User Manual
4.7.1 Apply Parameters & Save Parameters Buttons Behavior
Submenus which have Dialog boxes also have Command Buttons to Apply, Reset, and Save Parameters
in addition to Station Reset.
Referring to the example in Figure 19 below, make entries into the Dialog boxes. When satisfied, click on
Apply Parameters to temporarily make the parameters active. If not satisfied, click on Reset values button
to restore to the values present before changes were made.
Reset values commands affect all Dialog boxes or radio buttons only in the opened window.
If needed, go to other Submenu(s) and make more entries. Click Apply Parameters before leaving each
window. When finished, click a Save Parameters button in any of the Submenus to make changed entries
permanent (along with any other entries made in other submenus).
The Station Reset command button only appears when a parameter requires a Station Reset, otherwise it
is unavailable. Use the Save Parameters command button before Station Reset otherwise temporarily en-
tered parameters are lost. Pressing the Station Reset button opens the Confirm Station Reset (Figure 20)
as a reminder to first save.
Figure 19 - Parameter Command Buttons behavior
Figure 20 - Station Reset Confirmation
Apply Parameters