User's Manual

120 20194-102 Paragon3 – 700/800MHz User Manual
2. Installation
Figure 1 - Typical rack-mount multi-modules "Radio Assembly"
2.1 Overview
The cabinet and rack-mount housing the Paragon3’s radio-modem and Power Amplifier is generally
installed in a sheltered facility. Occasionally located adjacent to the nerve center of the user’s
network, it is often located near tower sites or at remote locations where it operates unattended.
Furnishings needed include power, cabling, and installation of antenna, landline or microwave mo-
dem, and host PC or portable computer. Details of these are outside the scope of this manual. This
manual covers the radio-modem assembly and the power amplifier.
2.2 Location
Be sure to place the Paragon3 unit in such a way that:
The LEDs can be seen (as an aid in troubleshooting)
Access to the antenna connector and to the back connectors is possible without removing the unit
Sufficient air may flow around the unit to provide adequate cooling.