User's Manual

001-2019-500 Rev 0 Paragon4 – UHF, 700 & 800MHz User Manual
10 Power Supply Connections and Torque Settings
Securing the DC Power Supply cable into the DC connector to provide a good electrical connec-
tion is essential. Over time, the wires tend to compress in the DC connector resulting in an in-
creasingly poorer connection. Consequently, as high current is drawn, the connector heats up
increasing the resistance thereby causing still more heat until the connector eventually burns up.
Although screws securing DC cables to the Power Supply terminals are tightened to the torque set-
tings given below prior to new system delivery, they must be re-tightened as part of the commission-
ing process and re-tightening is also part of the regular maintenance schedule.
Prior to replacing a Power Supply module into an existing system, inspect the cable and re-terminate
the wires if the strands have previously been twisted together or show any sign of damage.
Cut the wire at the end of the insulation and then strip approximately 11mm (.43 inch) of insulation
off the cable. DO NOT TWIST THE WIRE STRANDS. Insert the cable into the screw terminal and
tighten the screw to secure the cable as per the torque settings given below.
Torque Settings:
The manufacturer recommends torque setting all power supply terminal screws to a minimum of:
For the ICT 22012-70N Power Supply; 35 in-lb
Note: CalAmp-Dataradio uses a Sturtevant Richmont 29-piece adjustable torque screwdriver
model CAL36/4K.
After tightening, pull on the cable to check the cable is secured tightly into the screw terminal.
4.4.3 Crescend Power Amplifier
The Crescend power amplifier receives its +13.8VDC power from the ICT DC power supply through a
10AWG DC power cable. In the standard configuration shown in Figure 3, there is no in-line fuse be-
tween the power supply and power amplifier, all the short-cct and foldback protection is done by the ICT
power supply. In this configuration, the voltage drop through the power cable is minimize. Nonetheless, if
required a DC power cable with an in-line fuse can be ordered from the factory.
The power amplifier is maintenance free, only LED indications are present on the front panel. The loca-
tion of the DC power terminal block, the “RF In” as well as the “RF Out” N-type female connectors are
all on the back side of the power amplifier module.
For the 700 and 800MHz models, the power output is normally set to 70W and for the UHF model, it is
set to 100W (or lower depending on the work order) at time of manufacture or via RMA. However, to
allow for field adjustment of the output power to meet the ERP granted by the transmission site license, a
potentiometer is accessible via a small round opening on the underside of the power amplifier. Adjust us-
ing a small tuning screwdriver. CalAmp does not recommend adjusting below 35 watts for the 700 and
800MHz models and 50W for the UHF model.
As per Industry Canada Radio Standard Specification #131, paragraph 5.3:
“For the 700 and 800MHz models, the amplifier module delivers 70W with 28dB gain at 100mW
input over a large nominal bandwidth (500-1000MHz) designed platform. For the UHF model,
the amplifier module delivers 100W with 30dB gain at 100mW input over a large nominal band-
width (200-800MHz) designed platform The manufacturer's rated output power and power toler-
ance of this equipment is for single carrier operation in the specified frequency range. It should
not be used for multiple carrier operations or outside its specified range.”