User's Manual

001-2019-500 Rev 0 Paragon4 – UHF, 700 & 800MHz User Manual
6.8.4 Setup (Advanced) IP Services
Figure 26 - Advanced IP Configuration – IP Services Setup
Item Description
DHCP Server Disabled, Enabled (Default). The Dynamic Host Configuration Proto-
col provides a framework for passing configuration information
e.g.: IP address to Hosts (i.e. PC/RTU) on a TCP/IP network.
Gateway address handed out by the DHCP Server to the DHCP Client. The default
value is set to the IP address of the Ethernet 2 interface. If the gateway is set to, no gateway address will be handed out by the DHCP Server.
Lease Start Address
Pool of addresses allocated for DHCP purpose. If a unit is configured as DHCP
Server, this field represents the start IP address pool managed by the DHCP
Server. Normally, Paragon4 automatically calculates the Lease Start Address
(equal to Ethernet IP Address plus one).
Lease Duration
The period over which the IP Address allocated to a DHCP client is referred to as
a “lease”. Lease Duration is the amount entered in minutes.
A value of “0” indicates an infinite lease.
Maximum number of leases Maximum number of DHCP client(s) a unit can serve.
IP Services Delivery – Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Allows or disallows the generation of locally provided IP Services such as online
diagnostics, alarms, etc
NAT (ETH2 only)
Network Address Translation - Disabled, Enabled (Default)
NAT technology is a method by which IP addresses are mapped from one address
space to another. In Paragon4, it is normally used on the WAN side of an IP net-
work to hide local IP addresses from an external IP network (i.e. Internet).
See section for a more detailed description.
RIPV2 (ETH1 only)
Router Information Protocol v2 - Disabled, Enabled (Default)
When Enabled, mobile registration causes RIPv2 report to be sent to the backhaul
router(s) so that the infrastructure will route all packets for this mobile through
this base station.