User's Manual

001-2019-500 Rev 0 Paragon4 – UHF, 700 & 800MHz User Manual
RS-232 Industry–standard interface for data transfer.
Smart Combining Digital processing method used to combine “Spatial Diversity” signals to optimize performance.
(See Parallel Decode)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol - Provides a means to monitor and control network devic-
es, and to manage configurations, statistics collection, performance, and security.
Spatial Diversity Composite information from independent diversity branches using antennas spaced apart is used
with “Smart Combining” to minimize fading and other undesirable effects of multipath propaga-
tion. (See Parallel Decode)
SRRCnFSK Square Root Raised Cosine (n = level) Frequency Shift Keying. Type of frequency modulation of
data signals performed by the Paragon4 radiomodem.
Static IP Address A fixed address assigned to a computer or device that is connected to a network.
Static Routing Forwarding data in a network via a fixed path.
Subnet Mask A bit mask used to select the bits from an IP address that correspond to the subnet. Each mask is
32 bits long, with one bits in the portion that identifies a network and zero bits in the portion that
identifies a host.
Switch (Ethernet) Computer-networking device that allows sharing a limited number of ports to connect computing
devices to host computers. Replaces network hubs (layer1),
switches (layer2), routers (layer3).
Sync Data transmitted on a wireless network that keeps the network synchronized.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - A transport (layer4) protocol for transmitting
data that requires acknowledgement from the recipient of data sent. Handles retries and flow con-
Telnet Network (layer5) protocol used on the Internet or on LAN connections.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol - A version of the TCP/IP FTP protocol that has no directory or
password capability.
Topology The physical layout of a network.
Transparent A transparent unit transmits all data without regard to special characters, etc.
UDP User Datagram Protocol - A transport (layer4) protocol for transmitting data that does not require
acknowledgement from the recipient of the data that is sent.
Upgrade To replace existing software or firmware with a newer version.
URL Universal Resource Locator - The address of a file located on the Internet.
VIS Vehicular Information Solutions. Dataradio’s name for a series of products specially designed for
mobile data.
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network - A group of computers and associated devices that communicate
with each other wirelessly.