User's Manual

001-2019-500 Rev 0 Paragon4 – UHF, 700 & 800MHz User Manual
Item Description
Index of the displayed entry. Up to 25 entries will be displayed at a time.
“Previous” and “Next” buttons will appear as necessary.
RF MAC RF MAC address of the mobile
RF IP addr RF IP address of the mobile
Proxy Indicates when the TCP Proxy has been enabled for that mobile (On/Off)
Indicates the current state of the mobile. Most common values are:
Normal – Mobile is registered to this base
Handoff – Mobile is roaming to another base
Reg’d Indicates the time the mobile registered on the base
Last TX Indicates the time of last transmitted packet
TX Pkts Count of data packets sent to the mobile
Tx Retrys Count of RETRYs for packets transmitted to the mobile
Tx Bytes Count of bytes transmitted to the mobile
Average Delivery Time
The average time from which an outbound IP message destined for the mobile is presented to
the airlink layer until the RF acknowledgement for that message is received.
Note: The Average Outbound Delivery Time for all mobiles over a period of time is also availa-
ble on the Statistics Performance page.
Last Rx Indicates the time of the last received packet
Rx Pkts Count of data packets received from the mobile
Rx Bytes Count of bytes received from the mobile
P3 RSSI dBm RSSI (in dBm) of the last data received from the mobile.
RSSI (in dBm) of a recent data from the base by the mobile
(This information is transmitted to the base along with the GPS report)
Local upgrade revision
Number of local updates (incremented when updated locally )
Remote upgrade revision
Number of remote parameter updates (incremented when updated over the air)
Last GPS Report:
In normal operation, indicates the last Time & Position reports recently transmitted to the base
from the mobile.
Indicates “GPS report missing or not valid” when originally registered if reporting has not yet
begun. Could last up to 3 – 4 minutes.
Indicates “No Fix” when validly reporting and stops receiving valid information.