User's Manual

Part No. 001-4008-101/102 Modem Operating Parameters
The Setup Modem/Radio Parameters allows the user to view and edit Integra-TR’s programmable
parameters. Programming parameters can be stored in a data file with the .DAT file extension.
Programmable parameters are used by the Read/Write Parameters screen for programming into nonvolatile
Parameter settings are modified from three screen tabs: the Modem tab, Com/Analog tab, and Radio tab.
When desired parameters in each tab window have been adjusted, select the OK button to store the
parameter information into local memory and exit the parameter screen. Clicking the Default Parms button
sets certain parameters back to factory default settings. Clicking Cancel exits the parameter screen without
modifying any parameters currently stored in local memory.
Modem operating parameters include:
Short ID
The user-defined number (1 to 254) that identifies an individual unit in a network.
Integra-TR Field Programming Software supplies this field for user-convenient description(s): customer
name, location. technical info...). Comments can be text up to 24 characters in length, including spaces.
This field selects the compatibility mode (for use with previous versions of Integras).
Integra-TR - used for networks made up of Integra-TR modems
Integra-T/TR - used for “on-air” backward compatibility with the Integra-T for bit rates of 4800 and 9600
b/s (full channel units only)
The Integra-TR is capable of selectable network speeds of 2400 and 4800 b/s quarter-channel units, 4800
and 9600 b/s for half-channel units, and 4800, 9600, 19200 b/s for full-channel units. Use the Integra-TR
mode whenever feasible.
Data Delivery
This field determines if data should be delivered to the COM port. Designating a unit as Master or Remote
sets a flag in the header identifying the Unit Type of the originating station:
All - this option causes the unit to accept (on the receive side) all data transmissions
Selective - this option causes the unit to accept (on the receive side) data only if it originates from a unit
of the opposite Unit Type
Sleep Mode
Sleep Mode is one of Integra-TR’s three low power modes of operation (along with “Reduced Transmit
Power” and “Suspend Mode”). When Sleep Mode is enabled, the unit is in low power consumption
(approximately 7 mA). The unit cannot detect the presence of carrier in sleep mode. Asserting RTS on the
COM or Setup Ports wakes the unit. The unit will receive and decode data within 45 to 65 ms (dependent on
model and temperature) after wake-up.