User's Manual

User Manual
Feature: Bluetooth Support
Page #:
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CalAmp. Where there is no packaging or media, use of the software and/or documentation
constitutes acceptance.
Definitions: As used in this License Agreement, “Software” means CalAmp’s LM Direct ™, LMU
Manager™, LapTop Locator™, LMU Application/Programmable Event Generator™, CDMA LMU
Provisioning Tool, GPRS LMU Provisioning Tool, iDEN™ Provisioning Tool, LMU Status, Clone
Config, Hex Dump, LM Exchange™ Traffic Monitor, Freewave Base Station Config, Remote Serial
Port, App Watcher Service and/or other software products licensed by CalAmp for use in computer
applications development or integration including the computer programs, libraries and related
materials either contained on the media provided to you by or from CalAmp, or which you have
received or downloaded electronically. “Application” means a compiled or executable software
program created by Developer that uses some or all of the functionality of the Software. “Software
Copies” means the actual copies of all or any portion of the Software including backups, updates,
merged or partial copies permitted hereunder or subsequently licensed to you. “Documentation”
means the non-Software information contained on the media provided with this package or
downloaded and which is used with and describes the operation and use of the Software.
“Documentation Copies” means the actual copies of all or any portion of the Documentation
including backups, updates, merged or partial copies permitted hereunder or subsequently
provided to you. “Related Materials” means all other materials and whatever is provided by or from
CalAmp, and the non-Software and non-Documentation contained on the media supplied,
downloaded, or otherwise supplied by or from CalAmp for use with the Software and
Documentation. “Server” means a single, networked computer that is accessible to other client
machines on the network. “User” means (i) a single person using an Application for his/her
internal, use or (ii) a single terminal or a single workstation of a computer used only by a person
(and not accessed otherwise) for accessing an Application. “Use License” means limited rights
granted by CalAmp for deployment of a single Application to a User. “Developer” means a single
programmer developing an Application. “Developer License” means the grant of certain limited
rights to use and maintain the Software, Software Copies, Documentation, Documentation Copies
and Related Materials in development of Applications.
Background: A Developer License is required for each Developer who uses the Software in
building Application(s). A Use License is required and must be purchased by Customer for each
User to which Customer provides access to an Application (unless a Server or Site license for
unlimited or a specified number of users has been purchased). Each Use License is specific to one
client-side Application only and may not be used for any other client-side Application. Each Server