User's Manual

User Manual
Feature: Bluetooth Support
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Turn off stream for User 0:
at$app param 3072,0,255
Map Debug stream to BT_port:
at$app param 3072,3,8
Reset LMU :
LMU debug log will be visible on BT remote Android device console upon connection.
The connection process is initiated by Android master device.
3.3 LMU Bluetooth driver configuration parameters setup.
PID 2082 holds up to 8 remote device addresses 6 Bytes long.
at$app param 2082,0,144,89,175,10,169,169 corresponding to remote device MAC
address: 0x9059AF0AA9A9
The first location in the array of addresses above is used to establish a BLE
connection to a remote BLE device in BLE” Connected” mode.
All unused addresses must contain 255,255,255,255,255,255.
PID 2083 holds the mode of operation and it is 2 Bytes long. Bit 0 is used for mode
selection 0- standard-SPP, and 1- Low Energy.
For instance to configure BT driver in SPP mode use the following:
at$app param 2083,0,0
For example in order to configure BT driver in BLE “Connection” mode use:
at$app param 2083,0,1
Bit 1 defines if broadcast scanning is enabled 0 disabled , 1 enabled.
Bit 2: 0- whitelist should be used to filter out the remote devices with MAC
addresses which are not found in the list of the remote addresses. BTCS ignores the
whitelist functionality at present.
1: scan all advert broadcasts, no whitelist.
For instance in order to configure BT driver in “LE advert broadcast scan all” mode
at$app param 2083,0,7
To disable Bluetooth driver use:
at$app param 2083,0,65535
The above commands allow the LMU to switch from one mode to another without
the necessity of AT reset command, given that the data stream configuration is not
changed. It could take up to 40s to complete the switch.