Operation Manual

RMN 801BT NavigatioN MaNual
6.3 Settings menu
You can configure the program settings, and modify the behaviour of Caliber. Tap the
following buttons: , , .
The Settings menu has several options. Tap
or scroll with your finger to see the full list.
Adjust the sound volume, mute your device or change the voice
guidance language. In addition, you can enable and set up different
warnings and alerts.
The content of the Quick menu (page 21) is fully customisable. Tap the
button you want to change, and select its new function from the list.
To calculate a better arrival time, it is necessary to include the waiting or
loading times spent at each waypoint. Driving timers allow you to be
warned when you need a rest or you have driven enough for the day.
The recommended route is not always the same between two points.
Whenever suitable data exists, traffic information can be taken into
account in the route calculation.
These settings determine how routes will be calculated. Select the type
of vehicle you are driving, the road types used in route planning, and
the route planning method.
If more drivers use Caliberfor navigating, their settings can be
remembered by using one of the user profiles.
You can fine-tune the appearance of the Map screen. Adjust the map
view to your needs, choose suitable colour themes from the list for both
daytime and night use, show or hide 3D buildings, turn track logging on
or off,and manage the visibility of Place markers (which Places to show
on the map).
Adjust how the software helps you navigate with different kinds of route
related information on the Map screen.