Operating instructions

© Calibre UK Limited Issue 2.10 13 August 2012, W: www.calibreuk.com
T:+44 1274 394125 F: +44 1274 730960 E: techsupport@calibreuk..com 10
The front panel has keys for OSD menu navigation and input channel selection. OSD navigation is
through two direction keys and a Menu/Enter key
1 Standby key: When applying power to the unit it starts up. This is indicated by the green On LED
flashing. Once the unit is operational, the On LED is permanently on. By pressing the Standby Key, the
unit is put into standby mode. This is indicated by the red Standby LED being permanently on. The red
Keylocked LED indicates a keypad locking condition issued through the OSD menu. If a key on the front
panel is now pressed an OSD message comes up and displays the multiple key press to be applied to
unlock the front panel keys.
2 Input channel selection keys: All input channels can be directly selected. The active channel is
indicated by the red LED above the corresponding channel key being on.
3 Test Pattern key: Key to directly activate a Test Pattern. Use the up/down keys to toggle trough the
available test patterns. The LED is switched on when in Test Pattern mode.
4 OSD navigational keys: With the Menu key the OSD menu is activated. The up/down keys are used
for OSD menu navigation. To exit the OSD menu or any submenu press the up and down key
simultaneously or navigate to the Exit item and press the menu key. To access a submenu navigate to it
and press the menu key. To apply a change go to the menu item, press the menu key and make a
parameter change with the up/down key. Confirm the change by pressing the Menu key. This will also
bring you back to the submenu.
With the following multiple key presses further functions can be applied:
Keypad unlock: Menu/Up/Down
Input Mode reset: Menu/VGA
Factory reset: Menu/DVI
Set output mode to 720p: Menu/HDMI
The back panel features all input and output connectors, communication ports and the power supply
1 Digital audio output 2 HDMI input 3 DVI-D and VGA input 4 DVI/HDMI output
5 USB port 6 TCP/IP port 7 RS232 port 8 Power supply connector