Product Manual

Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581
a Ir Co MPr e SSo r
Pr o d u CT r eGISTr aTIo n
To register your product, please complete the information below and mail to the mailing address at the end of this page.
1. personal Information:
f ull n ame (Include Middle Initial): _______________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City:___________________________________ State:_______________ Zip Code: _______________________
Phone n umber: _____________________________________________________________________________
e-mail address: _____________________________________________________________________________
(Check here to receive product information and offers via e-mail)
(Check here to receive product information from other companies via e-mail)
2. product Information:
d ate of Purchase: _____________________________________________________________(MM / d d / y y y y )
Model n umber: ______________________________________________________________________________
Serial n umber: ___________________________________________________________ (f ound on name plate)
Purchased l ocation:__________________________________________________________________________
Purchase Price: _____________________________________________________________________________
Type of Primary u se for this Product: Home r ecreation e mergency r ental Commercial
o ther______________________________________________________________________________________
f eatures Influencing Product Purchase: brand Portability Power r ating Price Warranty
o ther f eatures (describe) _____________________________________________________________________
What other Power equipment are you interested in purchasing in the future? _____________________________
Thank you for registering your product.
Mail to:
California air Tools
8560 Siempre Viva r oad, u nit 3
San d iego, Ca 92154