Quick Start Guide

DH460 Quick Start Guide
<All rights reserved.No spreading abroad without permission of Caltta>
3.1 Power On/Off Your Radio
To power on your radio, rotate the Power/Volume rotary knob clockwise until a click is heard.
To power off your radio, rotate the Power/Volume rotary knob counterclockwise until a click is
3.2 Turn Up/down the Volume
After powering on your radio, rotating the Power/Volume rotary knob clockwise can turn up the
volume, and rotating the Power/ Volume rotary knob counterclockwise can turn down the volume.
3.3 Select a Zone
You can add channels in one zone to manage the channels efficiently. Your radio supports up to 32
zones. One zone contains up to 32 channels. After powering on radio, you can enter the zone
menu through the menu key, press up/down key to select the needed zone, and press OK key to
switch to selected zone.
3.4 Select a Channel
In radio standby interface, you can rotate the Channel selection rotary knob and switch the current
working channel. Rotating clockwise can turn down the channel, and rotating counterclockwise
can turn up the channel.
3.5 Lock/Unlock the Keypad
When you do not need to use the keypad, you can lock the keypad to prevent accidental operation.
You can lock or unlock the keypad in the following ways:
By programming key: If your dealer has set the keypad lock shortcut, you can press this key to
lock or unlock the keypad.
4 Call
To ensure that the called party can hear you clearly, keep the microphone 2.5 cm to 5 cm away
from your mouth when you speak.