User's Manual

Chapter 7: Configuration
Configuring IP and Ethernet interfaces
Page 7-50
VLAN Not Active
When VLAN is enabled in the AP, the Active Configuration block
provides the following details as read-only information in this tab. In the
Cambium fixed wireless broadband IP network, each device of any type
is automatically a permanent member of VID 1. This facilitates
deployment of devices that have VLAN enabled with those that do not.
VLAN Membership
Table Configuration
For each VLAN in which you want the AP to be a member, enter the
VLAN ID and then click the Add Member button. Similarly, for any VLAN
in which you want the AP to no longer be a member, enter the VLAN ID
and then click the Remove Member button.
VLAN Membership
This field lists the VLANs that an AP is a member of. As the user adds a
number between 1 and 4094, this number is populated here.
Source VLAN
(Range: 1-4094)
Enter the VID for which the operator wishes to remark the 802.1p priority
for the downstream packets. The range of values is 1 to 4094. The
default value is 1.
Remark Priority
(Range 0-7)
This is the priority you can assign to the VLAN Tagged packet. Priority of
0 is the highest.
VLAN Remarking
As the user enters a VLAN and a Remarking priority, this information is
added in this table.