User's Manual

Chapter 7: Configuration
Configuring Radio via config file
Page 7-210
Procedure 26 Import the configuration from the GUI
Login to the GUI and go to Configuration Unit Settings.
Click on “Browse” button under “Upload and Apply Configuration File” tab and select
the configuration file from disk.
Click “Upload” followed by “Apply Configuration File” button click.
The “Status of Configuration File” section will show the results of the upload.
Review it to make sure there are no errors. Then click on “Reboot” to reboot with the
imported configuration
The special headers for config file is explained below:
Procedure 27 Special Headers for configuration file
A "configFileParameters" section can be added to the header to control the behavior of
the device when importing configuration.
The "setToDefaults" when set to "true" tell the device to reset to factory default
configuration and apply the configuration in the file on top of that. So any attribute not
in the configuration file will be set to its factory default value. By default, the
configuration in the file is merged with the existing configuration on the device.
The "rebootIfRequired" flag when set to "true" tell the device to reboot automatically if
needed to apply the configuration change. By default, the device will not reboot
"cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
"cfgFileVersion": "1.0",
"configFileParameters": {