Installation Guide

Chapter 2: Tools Using BHM Evaluation tool
NoLUIDs This field indicates how many times the BHM has needed to reject a
registration request from a BHS because its capacity to make LUID
assignments is full. This then locks the BHS out of making any valid attempt
for the next 15 minutes. It is extremely unlikely that a non-zero number
would be displayed here.
OutOfRange This field indicates how many times the BHM has rejected a registration
request from a BHS because the BHS is a further distance away than the
range that is currently configured in the BHM. This then locks the BHS out of
making any valid attempt for the next 15 minutes.
AuthFail This field displays how many times authentication attempts from this SM
have failed in the BHM.
EncryptFail This field displays how many times an encryption mismatch has occurred
between the BHS and the BHM.
Rescan Req This field displays how many times a re-range request has occurred for the
BHM that is being evaluated in the BHM Eval page of a BHM.
SMLimitReached This field displays 0 if additional BHSs may be registered to the BHM. If a 1 is
displayed, the BHM will not accept additional BHS registrations.
NoVC’s This counter is incremented when the BHS is registering to a BHM which
determines that no data channel resources are available for allocation. This
could be a primary data channel (a low priority data channel) or one of the
other possible data channel priorities (a Medium priority data channel, or
High priority data channel, or Ultra High priority data channel)
VCRsvFail This counter is incremented when the BHS is registering to a BHM which has
a VC resource available for allocation but cannot reserve the resource for
VCActFail This counter is incremented when the BHS is registering to a BHM which has
a VC resource available for allocation and has reserved the VC, but cannot
activate the resource for allocation.
AP Gain This field displays the total external gain (antenna) used by the BHM.
RcvT This field displays the AP’s configured receive target for receiving BHS
transmissions (this field affects automatic BHS power adjust).
Sector ID This field displays the value of the
Sector ID
field that is provisioned for the
Color Code This field displays a value from 0 to 254 indicating the BHM’s configured
color code. For registration to occur, the color code of the BHS and the BHM
must match. Color code is not a security feature. Instead, color code is a
management feature, typically for assigning each sector a different color