User's Manual

Chapter 9: Operation
System statistics
Page 9-58
Table 219 NAT page attributes - SM
Private NAT Statistics,
Packet In Count
This field represents the number of packets received on the SM’s
LAN/Ethernet interface
Private NAT Statistics,
Packet Out Count
This field represents the number of packets sent from the SM’s
LAN/Ethernet interface
Private NAT Statistics,
Packet Out Toss Count
This field represents the number of packets that we not sent from the
SM’s LAN/Ethernet interface due to addressing issues.
Private NAT Statistics,
Out of Resources Count
This field represents the number of times the NAT table for the SM’s
LAN/Ethernet interfaces has been filled.
Private NAT Statistics,
Failed Hash Insert Count
This field represents the number of times that the device failed to
insert an address binding into the NAT hash table.
Public NAT Statistics,
Packet In Count
This field represents the number of packets received on the SM’s
WAN/wireless interface
Public NAT Statistics,
Packet Out Count
This field represents the number of packets sent from the SM’s
WAN/wireless interface
Public NAT Statistics,
Out of Resources Count
This field represents the number of packets that we not sent from the
SM’s WAN/wireless interface due to addressing issues.
Public NAT Statistics,
Failed Hash Insert Count
This field represents the number of times the NAT table for the SM’s
WAN/wireless interfaces has been filled.