User's Manual

6 Web Page Reference
This section contains an explanation and usage guide for each of the built-in management web
pages. Where the user enters data into a field it is necessary to press the appropriate update
button to write the new configuration value to unit’s configuration memory.
The small and full menus are shown in figure 14. The full menu is only available to the system
administrator after logging in. The login panel is automatically presented when the configuration
menu is selected for the first time.
Figure 14 Web page menus
6.1 Home Page
System Summary
Attributes Value Units
Wireless Link Status Down
Link Name
Elapsed Time Indicator 0 Days 08:26:40
Wireless Link Availability 0.0000 %
Figure 15 Home Page
This page is displayed when initial connection is made to the unit. Navigation to all the unit’s
management functions is via the menu items on the left hand side. This page also displays status
items indicating the current link status, link up time and link availability metric.