User`s manual

The 851C incorporates a Control Bus input and output that enables un-
modulated handset commands (positive logic, TTL level) to be received
electrically by the unit and looped to another unit if desired. These
control commands are typically generated by custom installation (multi-
room) systems or remote IR receiver systems. The Control Bus sockets
are colour-coded orange.
An IR Emitter Input is also provided that enables modulated IR handset
commands to be received electrically by the unit. Commands on this
input operate the unit only and are not looped out demodulated on the
Control Bus Output. This feature is useful for multi-room systems (such as
the Cambridge Audio Incognito multi-room system) which feature routed
I.R. emitter outputs. Instead of using window emitters stuck over the
CD players front panel IR receiver, a mono 3.5mm mini- jack to 3.5mm
mini-jack lead can be used for a more reliable electrical connection. An
RS232 port is also featured which allows the 851C to be controlled by
C.I. systems.
In addition the units feature “direct” IR Control codes as well as toggle
codes for some of their features to simplify programming custom
installation systems. Special direct On/Off and Mute commands can
be accessed on the supplied handset for teaching into C.I. systems as
1. Press and hold the Standby/On button. The remote rst generates
it’s standby (toggle) command. Keep the button held down, after 12
seconds a CD player “On” command will be generated. If the button is
kept held down for a further 12 seconds, a CD player “Off” command
is generated.
A full code table and RS232 protocol for this product is available on the
Cambridge Audio website at:
Custom installation (C.I.) use
The 851C is a complex product but even so, should things seem not
quite right, the answer is very often a simple one.
Player will not switch on
Ensure the AC power cord is connected securely.
Ensure the plug is fully inserted into the wall socket and that the socket
is switched on.
Check the fuse in the mains plug or adaptor.
The player will not read the disc
Check the disc is not loaded upside down.
Check that the disc is not scratched or dirty.
There is no sound
Ensure that the amplier is congured correctly.
Check that the interconnects are inserted correctly.
The disc is skipping
Check that the disc is not scratched or dirty.
Ensure the player is on a rm surface and not subject to vibrations.
There is a hum coming from the speaker
Ensure that all cable connections are secure.
If USB playback, set the USB Ground Lift Switch to “Lift”.
The remote handset will not function
Check that the batteries have not expired.
Ensure that nothing is blocking the remote sensor.
Operating instructions cont.
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