User`s manual

Operating instructions
Once all the required input and output connections are made, the 851C
can be switched on using its rear panel Power switch and front panel
or handset Standby/On button. The amplier to which the 851C is
connected should also be switched on, the appropriate input selected,
and its volume control set at the appropriate level.
Either front panel or handset buttons can be used for the majority of the
851C control functions.
To use the 851C as a conventional CD player proceed as described in the
following paragraphs:
Loading and playing CDs
This unit has been designed to play compact discs,
recordable CDs (CD-R) and re-writable CDs (CD-RW)
bearing the identication logo shown here. No other
discs can be used. Any CD-R/CD-RW discs should
contain properly recorded TOC (Table of Contents) information so that
they can be played back. This unit can play only the discs recorded in the
CD-DA format designed for music reproduction. Do not attempt to play a
disc containing other data, such as a CD-ROM for PCs with MP3 or WMA
les, on this unit.
1. Press the front panel or handset Open/Close
button to open the
disc drawer. When the drawer is fully open, place a disc in the drawer
with its label side upwards.
2. To close the disc drawer, press the Open/Close
button. When the
drawer, with a correctly loaded disc, is fully closed, the disc table of
contents will be automatically read by the player. The 851C display
will show the number of tracks on the disc and its total playback time.
Pressing the front panel or handset Play () button will also close the
drawer, and start the disc playing.
Note: If the 851C Auto Play setup feature is selected, the disc will always
begin playing as soon as the drawer is closed. Refer to Section 5 – 851C
Setup for more information.
3. If the disc does not begin to play immediately, press the front panel
Play/Pause or handset Play () button to begin playback. To pause
playback temporarily press the front panel Play/Pause or handset
Pause () button. To stop playback press the front panel or handset
Stop () button. While the disc is playing the 851C display will show
the current track name or number and its elapsed time. If the disc is
paused the display will show the elapsed time at which pause was
selected. If the disc is stopped the display will revert to showing the
number of tracks on the disc and its total playback time.
Note: The 851C should not be left in pause mode for long periods.
4. The disc drawer can be opened at any time by pressing the front panel
or handset Open/Close
button. Remove the disc only after the
drawer has fully opened.
Do not put anything except a compatible disc into the disc drawer.
Foreign objects may damage the mechanism.
– Do not force the drawer to open or close by hand.
– Keep the disc drawer closed when the player is not in use.
If a disc is seriously scratched or dirty the player may not be able to
read or play it.
– Never load more than one disc at a time into the disc drawer.
Playing a specic CD track
With the 851C switched on and a disc loaded, specic tracks can be
selected for playback by pressing one of the front panel or handset
Skip ( ) buttons to step through the tracks on the disc forwards or
backwards. When the desired track is shown on the 851C display, press
the front panel or handset Play () button to begin playback. The disc
will then play from the selected track to the end.
Scanning within tracks
With the 851C switched on and a disc playing, a specic point in a
track can be found by pressing and holding one of the front panel or
handset Scan ( ) buttons to fast-forward or fast-reverse through the
track. When the desired point in the track is reached the button can be
released. The disc will then play from the selected point to the end.
Repeating discs and tracks
With the 851C switched on and a disc playing, either a specic track or
an entire disc can be set to repeat indenitely. To repeat a specic track
press the handset Repeat button once while the track is playing. The
851C display will show “Repeat Track”. To repeat an entire disc simply
press the handset Repeat button twice in quick succession. The 851C
display will show “Repeat All”. Track or disc repeat can be cancelled
by a further press of the Repeat button, by pressing the front panel or
handset Stop () button or by opening the disc drawer.
Playing tracks randomly
With the 851C switched on and a disc loaded, the tracks can be played
randomly. To select random play simply press the handset Random
button once and then the Play () button. Random play can be cancelled
by a further press of the Random button. The disc will then continue to
play the tracks in the “correct” order following the track that was playing
when random play was cancelled.
Using the Remain function
With the 851C switched on and a disc playing, press the handset Remain
button once to display the remaining track time or twice to display the
remaining disc time.
Programming disc play
The order in which CD tracks are played can be programmed with a
playlist. Tracks can also be suppressed from a playlist or programmed
to play more than once.
With the 851C switched on and a disc loaded, press the handset Prog
button. The 851C display will show the Program menu. Use the front
panel or handset Skip ( ) buttons to step through the disc to the
track you wish to be the rst track in the playlist. Press the handset Play
button to conrm the rst track. Repeat this procedure for all the tracks
required in the playlist and then press the front panel or handset Stop
() button to store the programmed playlist. When the playlist is stored,
use the front panel or handset Play () button to play the programmed
The front panel or handset Pause (), Skip ( ) and Scan ( )
functions can be used as normal while a programmed playlist is playing.
Press the front panel or handset Stop () button once to stop playback
without deleting the playlist, or press it twice both to stop playback and
delete the playlist.
Downloaded From Cambridge Audio Manuals