User Manual Part 1

BlueTest Instruction Manual
© Copyright CSR Ltd 2001
This material is subject to CSR’s non-disclosure agreement.
Page 16 of 56
Title BIT ERR1
Enables the receiver at a designated frequency (
LO Freq) with a
choice of low or high side modulation (
hi-side) and with a designated
attenuation setting
(RX Attenuation).
Returns a set of reports to the host:
g Number of data bits received (payload excluding FEC and CRC)
g Number of data bits that were in error. Assumes PRBS9 data
starting with 1FF in each packet
g Number of packets received
g Number of packets expected, based on txrx_freq (default
g Number of packets with header errors as reported by hardware
g Number of packets with CRC errors
g Number of packets with uncorrected errors (currently same as
CRC errors)
g Number of sync timeouts. Note that until a transmission is
received a long timeout is used, so this does not reflect the
number of packets expected
Each report has two unint32 values. First is value since last report,
second is summed over the last
bits_count (default =
Reports are sent according to
report_freq set (default = 1
second). The times between receive slots and report frequency can
be set, and the count reset. Refer to Configuration Commands
BIT ERR1 Example Display