User's Manual

Button or
Choose File
Opens a dialogue box for selection of the firmware file to download to the flash on the BlueCore
Module. You may open a .xpv, .xuv or .xbv firmware file
If you open a .xpv file, the .xdv file must be present in the same folder.
If pressed, a message indicates that this is no longer supported.
Copies the selected file to the flash on the BlueCore module. This process updates each flash block
as required and verifies them in turn.
Compares the selected file with the code programmed into the flash on the BlueCore module.
only compares components contained in the file. The status area shows any reported
Status Provides a text report of the status of the current operation.
Displays a visual indication of progress for the current operation.
Changes depending on the status of the processor. If it displays
Stop Processor
, the processor is
running. It must be stopped before attempting to download code. When the new code has been
loaded, the processor can be restarted by clicking
Start Processor
Firmware ID
Identifies which version of firmware is currently loaded on the module. If BlueFlash is unable to
identify the firmware version, you can still upgrade the firmware using this utility.
Allows the user to dump the contents of the flash on the BlueCore module to a file. The data can be
stored either as a pair of .xpv/.xdv files, as a combined .xuv file or as a raw binary file. The
dumped file also contains all of the Persistent Store settings, allowing you to restore to a known
firmware build and Persistent Store settings.
Flash Erase
Provides options for erasing some or all of the flash memory including the Persistent Store area.
File ID
Displays the name and version of firmware of the file selected for download on the module.
Displays the name and location of the file selected for download.
Flash Type Displays the type of flash memory that has been identified on the BlueCore module. Flash type is
identified after you stop the processor. Different types of flash memory may have different memory
block structures that require adjustments to BlueCore’s memory map. If the flash type indicates
Unrecognised Flash assuming SST, either the flash on the BlueCore module is not supported,
or there is a problem with the SPI connection. See Section 7.2.2.
Allows the user to select the LPT or USB port to which the SPI cable is connected.
Indicates the version of the BlueFlash application in use. CSR advises using the most up to date
version. Refer to the CSR support website for available updates.
Table 7.2: Explanation of the BlueFlash User Interface
BlueSuite Programs
© Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2011
This material is subject to CSR’s non-disclosure agreement.
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