Quick Start Guide

| Quick Start Guide | Camden TAC IP 100 Series Entry System
First-Time Power Up
Upon powering up, the VOIP Tele-Entry System will display its startup script for about 1 minute 45 seconds,
then present the user screen. If this procedure fails, be sure the unit is powered up. Shut the unit off, wait
15 seconds, and then to power up the TAC IP 100.
The TAC IP 100 is shipped programed to a factory set static IP address at It is also designed
to acquire a dynamic IP address automatically from the DHCP server on start-up. To nd the IP address of
the VOIP Tele-Entry System enter #9789 on the keypad.
Even when provided with a DHCP address, we recommend setting an Static address to easily locate the
Entry Panels on your network.
Tip: The TAC IP 100 subnet is defaulted to .10 ( If your network uses a different subnet, example 223
match accordingly, (
If for any case the VOIP Tele-Entry System fails to acquire an IP address from the DHCP server, then the
factory set IP address can be used to access the congurations screens. A laptop may be connected directly
to the TAC IP 100 via a CAT5 Ethernet cable, however, you must adjust your network adaptor to provide a
static IP with a .10 subnet.
Since all of the TAC IP 100s are shipped from the factory set to a static IP address at If you are
conguring more than one VOIP Tele-Entry System and don’t have a DHCP server, make sure to turn on one
VOIP Tele-Entry System at a time, and change the IP address accordingly to avoid IP conict.
Using a browser, enter the IP address of the TAC IP 100 to access the congurations screen. A static IP
address can be set up in the “System conguration screen”.
It is highly recommended that you have your LAN network and Internet Connection installed, including
access and conguration to the Router. A LAN will afford you the ability to program the TAC IP 100 remotely
from a Laptop and the Internet connection will register services, permit the factory to provide technical
support and allow testing of VOIP services for dialing.
Once on the home page, you will be presented with the following choices:
Resident Records (default user name: staff/password: records)
Master Admin Menu (default user name: admin/password: admin)
Concierge Desk (use either admin or staff username/password)
For the purposes of this manual, click on Master Admin Menu.