Quick Start Guide

| Quick Start Guide | Camden TAC IP 100 Series Entry System
If a key is set to release the door (see system details section in owner’s manual). The person using the test
telephone may press the set key to release the door lock. The DTMF field displays what keys are pressed by
the test telephone. The default key to release the door is usually 6.
You may at this point adjust the kiosk volumes using the volume sliders. Test the microphone, speaker
volume and adjust accordingly.
Resolve Current Faults Codes
This section provides description of Fault Codes and brief corrective actions to resolving issues with the
installation that may prevent the operation of the VOIP Tele-Entry System. These are codes generated by
the VOIP Tele-Entry System to indicate an alarm, warning, or failure of operation due to hardware, software
process or network communications issue.
You may click on each fault code and follow the instructions on the help screens that appear on the screen
in the system summary window.
Fault Codes are very precise in their resolution; however, several may appear at the same time on the VOIP
Tele-Entry System. When multiple items appear, you must interpret their causal relationship, which takes
We suggest that you read Appendix C for a complete list of System Faults and the troubleshooting guide to
gain a better understanding of what might be causing a failure of the VOIP Tele-Entry System to operate.
Network Related
Fault Code Description Level Corrective Action
Local Network Tele-Kiosk cannot
detect presence of
the local network
Critical Check Ethernet Cable. Check VOIP Tele-Entry
System has valid IP address entering ‘#9789’ key
combination at the unit keypad.
Internet Tele-Kiosk cannot
detect presence of
the Internet.
Critical Address network internet connection and
reboot the VOIP Tele-Entry System
Fault Code Description Level Corrective Action
NO Phone
If all trunks are in
bypass mode, this
fault code exists
Critical This message signals that the VOIP Tele-
Entry System has determined one or multiple
faults are preventing communications. Check
the status of VOIP trunks. Check network
Congestion Catch ALL – Presented
when the system has
attempted many calls
over time and cannot
determine the source
of the fault.
This message should rarely appear. If it does,
it should be removed from the Fault List on
the next successful call. Check username/
password in your dial plans are correct. Check
if the trunks are available. Check Network
Trunk (Line)
Presented when the a
VOIP trunk is down.
Check status of VOIP trunk. Check and resolve
network related faults. Check username/
password for the specied trunk.