User Manual

Clean Up Old Backups
92 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
If the hard disk on the Smart Home Server does not have enough space
to store the next backup, the backup will not take place. In such a
situation, you need to "clean up" the hard disk by removing enough old
folders to create space for future backups. You can only remove folders,
not individual files.
Tip: Before selecting folders for cleanup, take a look at the size of the
folders you have backed up and the amount of space available for
future backups. This can help you decide which folders to
remove. You might also consider eliminating unneeded files
from future backups to avoid facing this problem in the future.
To clean up old backup folders:
1 Click Backup and then click the Clean Up Historical Backups icon to
display the Backup Cleanup page (
FIGURE 7-9).
FIGURE 7-8 Backup Disk Usage Page (Folders)
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