
229 Heat Dissipation Matric Water Potential Sensor
;Program to read 1 229-L sensor
;Reading 1 sensor takes 30 seconds
*Table 1 Program
01: 60 Execution Interval (seconds)
1: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 11 Set Flag 1 High
2: If Flag/Port (P91)
1: 11 Do if Flag 1 is High
2: 30 Then Do
3: Temp (107) (P11) ;Measure reference temperature
1: 1 Reps
2: 3 SE Channel
3: 3 Excite all reps w/E3
4: 1 Loc [ Ref_Temp ]
5: 1.0 Multiplier
6: 0.0 Offset
4: Thermocouple Temp (DIFF) (P14) ;Measure initial sensor temperature
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 2.5 mV Slow Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Type T (Copper-Constantan)
5: 1 Ref Temp (Deg. C) Loc [ Ref_Temp ]
6: 2 Loc [ Tinit_1 ]
7: 1.0 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset
5: Do (P86) ;Turn on CE8
1: 41 Set Port 1 High
6: Excitation with Delay (P22) ;Wait one second before taking first reading
1: 1 Ex Channel
2: 0000 Delay W/Ex (0.01 sec units)
3: 100 Delay After Ex (0.01 sec units)
4: 0 mV Excitation
7: Thermocouple Temp (DIFF) (P14) ;Take 1 second temperature reading
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 2.5 mV Slow Range
3: 4 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Type T (Copper-Constantan)
5: 1 Ref Temp (Deg. C) Loc [ ref_temp ]
6: 3 Loc [ T1sec_1 ]
7: 1.0 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset