
Appendix C. Using an SDM-SIO4
C.1 SDM-SIO4 Connections
An SDM-SIO4 should be used if measuring the GPS16X-HVS with a CR5000
or CR9000X datalogger. An SC110 cable is required to connect the GPS16X-
HVS to an SDM-SIO4. The SC110 consists of two cables. Use the cable that
terminates in a 9-pin male connector (DTE). The stripped and tinned leads of
that cable attach to the GPS16X-HVS (see TABLE C-1).
TABLE C-1. SC110’s Cable Wiring
Wire Color of
SC110’s Cable
Wire Color of
Power Supply
Brown Gray N/A
White White N/A
Yellow Shield N/A
N/A Red +12 V
N/A Black Power Ground
C.2 CR9000X Example Program
'This program acquires NMEA GGA data from a GPS receiver using the SDM-SIO4.
'(1) Data is acquired from NMEA0183 $GPGGA string:
' Sio4Fields: GGAFields: Definitions:
' f1 GGA(Field1) GGA_UTC_Time of position
' f2,f3 GGA(Field2) Latitude
' f4, GGA(Field3) North or South indication letter
' f5,f6 GGA(Field4) Longitude
' f7 GGA(Field5) East or West indication letter
' f8 GGA(Field6) GPS quality,0=NoGPS,1=GPS,2DGPS
' f9 GGA(Field7) Number of satellites in use
' f10 GGA(Field8) HDOP, Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
' f11 GGA(Field9) Antenna altitude in Meters
' GGA(Field10)
' GGA(Field11) Geoidal separation in Meters
' GGA(Field12)
' GGA(Field13) Age of differential GPS data
' GGA(Field14) Differential reference station
'(2) SIO4 programming:
' fltst 1 "t[$GPGGA,]xFt[,]Dt[.]Dt[,]b1t[,]Dt[.]Dt[,]b1t[,]Ft[,]Ft[,]Ft[,]FX"
Const OneRep=1
Const NoValues=0
Const OneValue=1
Const ElevenGGAValues=11
Const UnityMultiplier=1.0
Const NoOffset=0.0
Const Sio4Address0=0
Const Port2=2