
GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver
1. Overview
FIGURE 1-1. The GPS16X-HVS terminates in pigtails for direct
connection to our dataloggers
The GPS16X-HVS is a complete GPS receiver manufactured by Garmin
International, Inc. Campbell Scientific configures the GPS16X-HVS to work
with our dataloggers and modifies its cable so that the cable terminates in
pigtails. The pigtails connect directly to the control ports of our dataloggers.
The GPS16X-HVS includes the GPS receiver and antenna in the same housing
with one cable for the power supply and communications. The GPS antenna
must have a clear view of the sky. Generally the GPS antenna will not work
The GPS16X-HVS is a 12-channel GPS receiver that supports FAA Wide Area
Augmentation System (WAAS) or RTCM differential GPS. Also supported is
the 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS) timing signal. The cable connections provided
with the GPS16X-HVS do not support differential GPS correction. The cable
can be modified by the user if differential correction is required.
1.1 Default Settings
TABLE 1-1 shows the default settings of the GPSX16-HVS.
TABLE 1-1. Default Settings
Baud Rate 38400 bps
Parity N (no parity)
Stop Bit 1
Sentences Output GPGGA, GPRMC
PPS 100 ms