Instruction manual

CC5MPX Digital Camera
11.2 PakBus Graph Operations
The CC5MPX supports configuration via PakBus Graph over the serial port. A
logger or other type of PakBus relay device is required to interface PakBus Graph
to the camera.
11.2.1 Logger Settings
The logger must be configured as a router (i.e. Is Router must be set to true) and
the camera PakBus address must be in the list of allowed neighbours for the
datalogger port used. The camera and the logger must be set to use the same baud
rate to communicate properly.
11.2.2 Discovery
After starting PakBus graph, the camera may not be visible immediately. To
discover the camera, right click on the green box marked as [4094] in the graph
and click on Search for Neighbours. This will open the Search for Neighbours
dialog box, press the Start button and the graph should display all the devices
within the PakBus network.
11.2.3 Power Modes
The camera has several low power modes. The CC5MPX cannot respond to
PakBus communications while the camera is in the low power state of OFF mode
or in Deep Sleep mode. PakBus communications will wake up the camera if it is
set for Partially On mode. Using the low power mode with the Ethernet power
mode set to Full Power Save will allow the camera to respond almost immediately
(less than 10 seconds).
The external trigger can also be utilized to wake up the camera and have it stay out
or a low powered mode by asserting the external trigger and leaving it high.
Lowering the external trigger signal will allow the camera to enter a low powered
operating mode again.
11.3 PakBus Variable Control
The camera is capable of receiving variables, commands, or text from a datalogger.
The specific operational parameters that can be altered or controlled include:
x Still Image Banners
x Video Banners
x Camera Window Defroster
x Camera Shutdown
The use of the “Send Variable” instruction allows the datalogger to transfer values
or text that can be used in the image or video banners. The “Send Variable”
instruction is used to toggle the camera window defroster on/off, or safely shut the
camera down.
To update the Banner information with values from a datalogger the variable is a
String, and must be limited to 255 characters (including null terminator).
The camera variable names are:
x CC5MPXStillBanner1