User guide

9522B & COM9522B Iridium Data Modem
'sent to the modem allow another 4 minutes to ensure the
modem is registered on
'the network before attempting communications.
If IfTime (716,720,min) Then configure_modem = true
If configure_modem = true Then
SerialOpen (ComRS232,19200,0,0,2000)
Delay (0,1,Sec)
'Send the correct settings
SetupStr = "AT&F0 S0=1 &D0 +IPR=6,0 V0 &K0 &W0 &Y0" &
CHR(13) & CHR(10)
SerialOut (ComRS232,SetupStr,"",0,0)
configure_modem = false
SerialClose (ComRS232)
6.2 Program Example 2
In example 2 the station is a solar powered site where power management is a
concern. Modem power is controlled by the COM9522B via Control port 1.
During this time the modem is sent it’s configuration via the CS I/O port and the
remainder of the time is used for actual communications.
For details on programming for the CR10X contact Campbell Scientific. Please note
that the interface between the CR10X and the COM9522B requires the use of
SC932A CS I/O to RS232 DCE interface.
'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'Declare Public Variables
'Variables for Iridium Configuration
Public SetupStr As String * 51
Public configure_modem As Boolean
'Main Program
'Ensure the control port used to trigger power to the modem is
set as an output.
'In this example control port 1 is used to turn power on/off
for the modem.
PortSet (1,1)
PortSet (1,0)