
Data Retrieval, Processing and Final Storage in the Nile Basin Database
location of the concerned files on the PC’s hard disk drive.
Chapter 5 deals in detail with retrieving the raw data from the storage module to PC, and the initial processing and
storing this new information into a file in a comma separated ASCII format for each strictly defined group of data.
Chapter 6 presents the instructions for importing the pre-processed new data set into MS Access, performing a
final processing round and storing the new data records into their final destination in the NBD.
Finally, chapter 7 describes the procedures for creating an MS Access “transfer” database file, extraction of
needed data records from any main NBD file/table and their storage into the ‘transfer’ file; this will enable the users
to disseminate the selected data records from NBD to other users, within the country of in the Nile Basin region, in
an easy manner and without violating the integrity of either new or historical data stored in the main NBD.