
Data Retrieval, Processing and Final Storage in the Nile Basin Database
Detailed Outline of Data Trajectory
thereafter to transfer/upload the raw data to the Personal Computer at the office. Information is stored in the module
in a specific format, which cannot be read directly by IBM compatible PCs.
The role of the SC532A or SC932 Interface is, therefore, to convert this specific storage module format into a RS232 compatible
information communication standard, which is ‘understood’ by IBM compatible PCs.
Data can also be downloaded directly from the meteorological station to the PC using short haul modems without using key-
board and storage module.
Data pre-processing, processing final check and storage in the NBD is accomplished on PC.
2.3 Software
Figure 2 presents the various software packages and programs, as well as the concerned file formats, which are
used in the process of data acquisition, pre-processing, processing and final storage.
Data processing, rearrangement and final storage in the LVBD is accomplished on PC.
Figure 2: Software components and file formats involved in data acquisition and storage process.
-Campbell Scientific Data-
logger Operating System
HYDROSTN Datalogger
StgModule Component of
Campbell Scientific Software
Package – PC208W
Report/Split Component of
Campbell Scientific Software
Package – PC208W
MS Access Database
Software Package
Final Storage of Processed
Data into NBD in Standard
Database Format
Unprocessed batch
data files in a specific
Campbell Scientific
Retrieved unprocessed
batch data stored in
ASCII file format
Preprocessed data files
for each predefined
data group stored in
comma separated
ASCII file format