
1.1 General
The adopted Monitoring Network in the Nile Basin comprises of Automatic Hydrological and Meteorological Stations
equipped with electronic instruments for data acquisition and storage. Measurements are initially pre-processed
and stored on site in a digital storage and control module, commonly referred to as datalogger.
Periodically, the accumulated raw data are transferred from datalogger to a computer at the office of the hydro-
meteorological service. This is accomplished with the help of a portable data retrieval unit, which can serve several
stations during a single inspection tour. In order to enhance sustainability of the network, a visiting frequency of 1
month is proposed. Consequently, data should arrive at the office of the hydro-meteorological service with a delay
of maximum one month.
After transfer of the collected hydro-meteorological information from retrieval unit to PC, the newly imported data
should be processed, checked on consistency and possible measurement errors, and stored in a dedicated table in
the Nile Basin Database (NBD), regarded as their final destination.
The first segment of the data trajectory, i.e. transfer of measurements form logger to retrieval unit, is covered in
the manual “Manual for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Automatic Meteorological Stations”.
The second part of the data trajectory is dealt with in this manual. It describes in detail all steps involved in
transferring the accumulated climatological measurements from the storage module to PC, processing of data
downloaded onto PC and final storage of the processed time series to the Nile Basin Database [NBD] in MS Access.
More specifically, this manual deals with the procedures for:
installation and setup of necessary hardware components;•
transfer of raw data from storage module to PC in the initial data and file formats;•
separation of individual measured variables from initial data file to comma separated ASCII file, and first visual •
data quality check;
importing the pre-processed ASCII data file into MS Access;rearrangement of newly imported data to final •
table structure using pre-defined database queries and second computer operated quality check;
appending and final storage of new data into the Nile Basin Database.•
This manual deals with data originating from Campbell type Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). A substantial
number of steps involved in the data trajectory are included in the manual for processing actions.
1.2 Overview of the Contents of the Manual
This manual describes in detail all steps and operations involved in transferring the accumulated raw data from
retrieval unit to PC and primary processing – by using a Campbell Scientific software package, called PC208W, which
has been specifically tailored for the purpose; and secondary processing of pre-processed data and their subsequent
final storage into the NBD by using MS Access database package.
In order to provide the user with the complete picture of the information flow from sensor to database, chapter 2
presents a detailed outline of the comprehensive data trajectory, as well as all software and hardware components
involved, and their role.
Chapter 3 concentrates on the instructions for installing the necessary hardware and software components that
are to be set up in appropriate manner.
Chapter 4 is discussing a recommended or required directory structure aimed at achieving uniformity in the