User Manual

54. To prevent overheating, the appliance should not
be installed behind of a decorative cover.
55. Turn off the appliance before removing the
safeguards. After cleaning, install the safeguards
according to instructions.
56. Cable xing point shall be protected.
57. WARNING: Don’t use oven and grill burners at same
58. Please don’t cook the food directly on the tray /
grid. Please put the food into or on appropriate tools
before putting them in the oven.
59. Hot surface, leave for cooling before closing the
Electrical Safety
1. Plug the appliance in a grounded socket protected by
a fuse conforming to the values specied in the technical
specications chart.
2. Have an authorized electrician set grounding equipment.
Our company shall not be responsible for the damages
that shall be incurred due to using the product without
grounding according to local regulations.
3. The circuit breaker switches of the oven shall be
placed so that end user can reach them when the oven
is installed.
4. The power supply cord (the cord with plug) shall
not contact the hot parts of the appliance.