Owner's manual

09 GB
•Unless otherwise suggested, preheat the oven for at least 10
minutes before use. Do not open the oven door when cooking
cakes otherwise they will not rise (cakes or dishes with yeast and
soufflés). The blast of cold air which will enter the oven will prevent
rising. You can
check whether cakes are properly cooked by
inserting a rod into the dough. If the rod comes out dry when you
pull it out, it means that the cake is properly cooked. Do not check
in this way until at least three quarters of the cooking time has
Please keep
in mind the following tips
•If the surface of the food is cooked well but it is still raw or partly
raw inside, it must be cooked longer at a lower temperature.
•On the other hand, if the surface of the food is too dry, it should be
cooked at a higher
temperature for a shorter time.
•Special self-cleaning panels covered in a micro-porous coating
are available on some of our models. If they are fitted, the oven no
longer needs to be cleaned by hand.
•The lining must be porous for self-cleaning to be effective.
•Excessive splattering of fat may block the pores and therefore
hinder self-cleaning. This
self-cleaning capacity may be restored
by switching on the empty oven to maximum for about 10-20
•If the walls of the oven are so thickly coated in grease that the
catalytic lining is no longer effective, remove surplus grease with a
soft cloth or sponge soaked in hot water. All
catalytic linings
currently on the market have a working life about 300 hours. They
should therefore be replaced after about 300 hours.
Oven Function
Not in function
Grill heater
Lower and upper heating element
Lower heating element
Upper heating element
Traditional Cooking
Heat is generated from the upper and lower heaters. Generally,
the middle shelf position is preferable for cooking. However, if the
top or bottom surface of the food must be cooked more, place it on
the upper or lower shelf.
Convection Cooking (with Fan)
•The food is cooked by evenly
distributed preheated air blown into
the oven by the help of the fan located on the inside back wall of
the oven.
It is possible to cook several dishes simultaneously on different
shelves thanks to the evenly distributed heat inside the oven.
•This type of oven is also very useful for defrosting
frozen food. It
can also be used for sterilizing canned food, preparing fruit
syrups, and dehydrating fruits and mushrooms.
•The minimum quantity of meat to be cooked in the oven is 1 kg.
Otherwise, the meat will be too dry.
If you require well done meat, use less fat. If meat has a little fat,
there is no need to use oil. If one side of the meat is fatty,
place this
side up. The melted fat will sufficiently grease the part below. Red
meats should be taken out of the fridge at least 1 hour before the
•Otherwise the meat may become tough due to the temperature
difference. Do not use salt before cooking, especially when grilling
meat. Salt will
draw the blood and juices out of the meat which will
consequently prevent the roasting of the upper surface of the
•Add salt to roast meat only after half of the cooking time has
•Place the meat to be roasted in a wide, shallow pan.
•Deep sided containers / pans
act as a shield against the heat.
Meat can be placed in the oven in a heat resistant pan or directly
onto the grill. Insert a fat / gravy collecting tray beneath the grill.
Sauces must be added at the beginning if the food is cooked for a
short time, while
it would be better to add sauces in the last half
hour if the food is cooked for a longer time.
Small fish can be cooked at the maximum temperature from start
to finish. Medium sized fish must be cooked at the maximum
temperature at the beginning and then the temperature must be
slowly reduced. Larger fish must be cooked at lower temperatures
from start to finish. Check the cut at the
bottom of fish to
understand whether it is cooked properly. In order to understand
whether the fish properly grilled or not, check the cleavage at the
bottom of the fish. The colour (for grilled fish) should be an even
matt white. This is not the case for salmon and trout.
Grill heater and fan
Lower heating element and fan
Upper heating element and fan
Upper heating element, lower heating element and fan
Turn spit and grill heater
The oven temperature and heater can be
selected by turning the oven adjustment
knob to the desired temperature level.
The oven thermostat range is: 140-
265°C. For the lower burner function,
turn the knob to ( ), and for grill turn
the knob to ( ).
cookers have flame safety device
on burners. If the flame goes out, the gas
supply is automatically cut off.