
miniAV-X Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.0b— March, 2012; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
The Error Page tab
You may use multiple IDs separated by a comma. For example,
AV%,40C% would display all samples beginning with AV or 40C.
If no error sources/technicians are selected, the analysis will display data
for ALL error sources/technicians.
Port Output Format filter
c. To adjust other analysis configuration options, click the Port
Output Format tab (see Figure, next page):
Adding ports
Click Add Port from the Port Output Format button options to
open the Select Port window. Select the desired serial port(s)
and/or files for output and verify the configuration settings for
each. Then Click OK. Added ports will be displayed in the port
list box.
Configuring output
d. Select the desired port/file for configuration by clicking the name
of the port/file in the port list box. Then click the radio button
corresponding to the desired locale format (U.S. or local). Your
choice will determine the formatting of numeric data and dates.