
miniAV-X Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.0b— March, 2012; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
View Analysis—opens the Choose Analysis window. See View
Analysis, below, for more details.
Report Title—opens the Designate Report Title window. Permits
data entry of up to three lines of text for the report title.
Configure Analysis—Accesses Configuration options. For informa-
tion on configuring analyses, consult Chapter 6 and the manual
chapter corresponding to the particular analysis.
Save Configuration—Opens the Save Configuration window.
Type the desired file name in the Save As: field and click OK to
save the configuration.
The Configure Analysis and Save Analysis options are only available
from the Analyses menu when an analysis window is open.
Select View Analysis to select an analysis from a list of available
analyses or define a new analysis.
To display an analysis, click the View Analysis menu item from the
Analyses menu. The Choose Analysis window will appear. The
Choose Analysis window provides a list of available analyses in a list
box on the left side of the window. The analyses are organized into
similar groups using a directory tree structure.
The Choose Analysis window
“Unopened” report directories identified with the symbol contain one
or more analysis packages. Click on the to reveal or conceal the list.
Select the desired analysis from the directory tree. After an analysis has
been selected, you can configure the analysis to display the information
you want from the central VISCPRO
database. The Choose Analysis
window provides three options for doing this: