
Beat deadlines with accurate sign-off on posters, packaging and brochures with Canon.
There’s less time than ever to get things done. That’s why you need proofs that can be
delivered quickly and to everyone’s expectations. Perfect hues, shades and contrasts to
keep designers happy, colour fidelity for pre-press operators and an exact match with
final production for your clients. Now with Canon’s large format proofing solutions you
can have it all.
Proof with certainty – a big asset for your business
12 colour
print process
12 colour printing process for
enhanced colour gamut and
reduced graininess
Exact colour matching
and ease-of-use –
perfect proofing
from Canon.
Digital proofing
It’s costly and time consuming to print a sample on an offset printer.
But thanks to Canon’s large format proofing solutions, you can prepare
proofs quickly and that precisely reflect the final print using our 12
colour pigment ink system. This way, sign off always happens on time
and, should final alterations be required, they can be instantly
implemented and deadlines unaffected.
Ineffective proofing adds unwanted days
to an already tight timescale. I need a
quicker and better way to achieve client
sign-off to stay on schedule.
Canon solutions
You can add value to the creative process with Canon. Whether
you’re producing storyboards, packaging, posters, brochures, direct
mail pieces or newsletters; you can save time and be in complete
control of the proofing process.
Who can benefit?
Canon’s proofing solutions can make a big
difference to your business. They’re ideal for:
Design agencies | Advertising agencies
Commercial printers | Pre-press houses