
Auto Mode /
Hybrid Auto Mode
Other Shooting Modes
P Mode
Tv, Av, M, and C Mode
Playback Mode
Wi-Fi Functions
Setting Menu
Before Use
Basic Guide
Advanced Guide
Camera Basics
Shooting Mode
z Press the power button to turn the
camera on and prepare for shooting.
z To turn the camera off, press the power
button again.
Playback Mode
z Press the [ ] button to turn the camera
on and view your shots.
z To turn the camera off, press the [
button again.
To switch to Playback mode from Shooting mode, press the [ ]
The lens will be retracted after about one minute once the camera
is in Playback mode. You can turn the camera off when the lens is
retracted by pressing the [
] button.
Advanced Guide
Camera Basics
Other basic operations and more ways to enjoy your
camera, including shooting and playback options