User Manual- for Camera

You can select the AF operation characteristics to suit the shooting
conditions or subject. In Basic Zone modes, the optimum AF operation
is set automatically for the respective shooting mode.
Press the <f> button.
Select the AF operation.
Press the <Y> <Z> keys to select
the desired AF operation, then press
X: One-Shot AF
K: Servo AF
Suited for still subjects. When you press the shutter button
halfway, the camera will focus only once.
When focus is achieved, the AF point will turn green and the beeper
will sound.
While you hold down the shutter button halfway, the focus will be
locked. You can then recompose the shot if desired.
Selecting the AF OperationN
One-Shot AF for Still Subjects
If focus cannot be achieved, the AF point will turn orange. If this occurs, the
picture cannot be taken even if the shutter button is pressed completely.
Recompose the shot and try to focus again. Or see “Shooting Conditions
that Make Focusing Difficult” (p.188).
If [z1: Beep] is set to [Disable], the beeper will not sound when focus is