Instruction Manual

Changing the Flash Mode
Because of the slow shutter speeds (up to 2
seconds) in dark places in +1.5® .
~1.5® . and modes you must use a
tripod to keep the camera steady.
Using Red-eye Reduction Function
When you use the flash to take photos of
people in low light conditions, their eyes
sometimes glow red in the photograph. This is
referred to as the red-eye effect and is caused
by the light of the flash being reflected off the
retina of the eye.
When the red-eye reduction operates, the red
eye reduction lamp lights for approximately 1
second before the flash fires. This causes the
subject’s pupils to contract, minimizing the risk
of red-eye.
0 Take the picture from within 2 m/6.6 ft. of
your subject.
0 Attract the subject’s attention so that he or
she looks at the camera.
• The effectiveness of the red-eye reduction
function varies from person to person.
• Set the lens to the wide-angle position.
Raise the available light level as much as