User Manual

Automatic Gain and ISO Limits
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Automatic Gain and ISO Limits
Depending on the brightness of the surroundings, the camcorder will automatically raise the gain or ISO speed
to try to get a brighter picture. Because doing so can lead to video noise, you can select a maximum limit for
how high levels are raised. These limits are referred to as the automatic gain control (AGC) limit and auto ISO
limit. Shooting with a smaller limit is useful as it results in a darker picture but less noise. This function is available
when the shooting mode is set to , , or .
1Press the MENU button.
mode: If you set [v Camera Setup]> [2] > [ISO/Gain] to
[Gain], you will be able to set the AGC limit; if you set [ISO/Gain] to
[ISO], you will be able to set the auto ISO limit.
mode: Because only the ISO speed can be adjusted for photos,
you will be able to set only the auto ISO limit.
2 Open the submenu to set the AGC limit or auto ISO limit.
mode: [v Camera Setup] > [1] > [AGC Limit] or [Auto ISO
mode: [{ Camera Setup] > [1] > [Auto ISO Limit]
3 Touch [ ] or [ ].
The AGC limit or auto ISO limit dial will appear at the bottom of the
•Touch [m] to remove the limit.
4 Drag your finger left/right along the dial to select the desired value.
You can also push the joystick up/down until the position of the current value is highlighted in orange and
then push left/right to adjust the value.
5 Touch [X].
The AGC limit or auto ISO limit icon will appear on the left side of the screen.
Available ISO limit settings
* When this value is selected in mode and the camcorder is switched to mode, the auto ISO limit will be set to
Available AGC limit settings
Operating modes:
ISO speed
(1/3-stop increments)
160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500*, 3200*, 4000*
(1/3-stop increments)
160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000
(1.5-dB increments)
0 dB to 28.5 dB
[v Camera Setup]
(in mode) or
[{ Camera Setup]
(in mode)
[AGC Limit] or [Auto ISO Limit]
[m] (automatic)