User Guide

Table Of Contents
Setting the System Manager ID and PIN
Set the system manager account, "System Manager ID
." You can also set a PIN for the System Manager ID. If the
System Manager ID is specied, you can access items that require administrator privileges, for example, <Network>
and <Management Settings>, only when the System Manager ID and PIN have been entered correctly. The System
Manager ID settings information is critical to the security of the machine, so make sure that only Administrators know
the System Manager ID and PIN.
Select <Menu> in the Home screen.
Home Screen(P. 122)
Select <Management Settings>.
If the System Manager ID has already been set
If the login scr
een appears, enter the correct ID and PIN.
Logging in to the Machine(P. 133)
Select <User Management> <System Manager Information Settings>.
Select <System Manager ID and PIN>.
Specify the System Manager ID and PIN.
Specify the <System Manager ID> <System Manager PIN>.
Enter numbers for each item, and select <Apply>.
The Conrm scr
een is displayed. Enter the PIN once again to conrm.
ou cannot register an ID or PIN that consists only of zeros, such as "00" or "0000000."
To cancel the System Manager ID and PIN settings, clear the information you entered in
and select
<Apply> with the elds blank.
Setting the System Manager Name
Select <System Manager Name>.
Enter the System Manager Name, and select <Apply>.
On ho
w to enter text, see
Entering Text(P. 131) .
Managing the Machine