User Guide

Table Of Contents
Limiting Available Destinations
By limiting destinations that can be specied to those r
egistered in the Address Book
or LDAP servers, you can reduce the possibility of specifying unintended destinations
and prevent users from leaking information. You can congure the setting to display
the conrmation screen to prevent the user from misdialing when specifying a coded
dial number in the Address Book.
Restricting New Destinations that Can Be Specied(P
. 407)
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations(P. 407)
Displaying Destinations in Address Book(P. 407)
Checking Destinations when Sending Data(P. 408)
Restricting New Destinations that Can Be Specied
Restrict destinations that can be specied when sending fax
es or scanned documents to "those already registered in
the Address Book," "those previously used," or "those searchable from the LDAP servers." When this function is
enabled, the machine prohibits users from entering destinations using the numeric keys, adding new entries to the
Address Book, and editing the existing Address Book entries.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings> <Restrict New
Destinations> <On>
This function does not limit the available destinations for PC faxing. Restricting Fax Sending from a
. 409)
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations
ohibits the specication of destinations from the transmission records. Using this restriction prevents destinations
being selected from the transmission records for "Send Fax," "Scan and Send as E-mail" and "Scan and Save to Shared
Folder or FTP Server."
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings> <Restrict Resending from
Displaying Destinations in Address Book
When using coded dial numbers to specify destinations, you need to pr
ecisely remember whose destination (or what
group) is registered in what coded dial number. If you do not remember all these numbers accurately, you may send
your documents to unintended destinations. You can avoid sending data to unintended recipients by conguring the
Managing the Machine