User Guide

Table Of Contents
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Black Overprint>
Select <Off> or <On>
Outlines black te
xt from a colored background or gure rst, then prints black text in the outlined part.
Printouts may be faded much more than <On>, or text may be outlined.
Prints all the color
ed backgrounds and gures, and overlaps black text on these backgrounds and gures using
only the black (K) toner, then prints.
<RGB Source Pr
Select the prole for RGB data according to the monitor you are using.
<Gamma 1.5>
<Gamma 1.8>
<Gamma 2.4>
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <RGB Source Pr
Select the pr
Sets the image quality to the industry standard for general Windows computer monitors. If the monitor
supports sRGB, data can be printed in the color tones closest to the displayed colors.
Setting Menu List